Este año ha sido el reconocido artista Anish Kapoor quien, con una escultura de dimensiones gigantescas con forma de cuatro balones unidos en el centro llamada Leviatán, ha invadido literalmente el Grand Palais. El espectador puede introducirse en ella, ya que es hueca, de manera que se realiza una inmersión total en ella. Por fuera parece un edificio traído desde el espacio exterior, pero por dentro paradójicamente parece recordar a un interior orgánico humano debido al color rojo de la membrana y las sombras que proyecta el techo de cristal del Grand Palais.
Con esta exposición Anish Kapoor ha querido llamar a los museos a cerrar por un día en protesta por la detención del artista Ai Weiwei por el gobierno chino.
Until June is celebrated in Paris the art encounter organized by the French Ministry of Culture “Monumenta 2011”, which is now in its fourth edition. Monumenta is open to everyone and invites every year a contemporary international artist to appropriate the central nave of the Grand Palais to create a work especially done for the event.
This year has been the renowed artist Anish Kapoor who, with a giant sculpture with the shape of four balls united in the center named Leviathan, has literally invaded the Grand Palais. The viewer can enter inside, because it´s hollow, so this way the viewer can make a total inmersion in it. From outside seems a building from outer space, but inside paradoxically seems remember a organic human interior because of the red membrane and the shadows the glass ceiling of the Grand Palais projects on it.
With this exposition Anish Kapoor has called museums to close for a day to protest against the detention of the artist Ai Weiwei by the Chinese goverment.
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